Harry Potter and The Half Dead Movie

Posted: August 7, 2009 in Reviews


  I recently saw the movie “Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince”. I paid 250 Rs to get the one of the best seats in the movie hall, so that I could enjoy the movie. There was much anticipation and eagerness on my part and needless to say, as always, I was completely shattered!

What a complete waste of money! I had seen the previous installments of the Harry Potter series except for “Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix” because I had found all the other movies nothing short of “Pure and 100% Crap”.

After listening to what I had to say about this movie, a friend of mine told me; “Dude, you don’t like any of these movies because you compare your imagination with the Director’s imagination”. True. I do have a very magnificent imaginative power, but is it really my fault if I expect the director who is supposed to be the creative head in a movie making saga to have anything less than an ‘awesome’ imagination?  Of Course, when I used to read the Harry Potter books, I used to imagine the situations in my head and I used to feel very happy about it. But after watching these crappy movies, I think, the people directing these movies seem to have no creativity or imagination at all!

Apart from this, the dialogues were pathetic. The actors were literally whispering the dialogues. Most of the times, the background music used to be so loud, that I had to strain my ears to listen to the dialogues.

And, I ask, what is with all these director’s who don’t really follow the original story written in the book, and put in their own? Somewhere and someday this has to stop. The only saving grace of the movie was the graphics and the special effects.

People who haven’t read the books will obviously like the movie, because it has been shot in a very grand way. However, for seasoned readers like me, it is a big letdown. Seriously, how many people, who read “The Lord of The Rings”, really liked the movie?

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